Heavy, pricey and difficult to install – these are some of the most common disadvantages people claim about ceramic tile roofing. Krech Exteriors has extensive experience installing, maintaining and repairing tile roofs, and we share what we know about this beautiful yet often misunderstood roofing material.
Tile Roofs Are Expensive
There’s a reason tile roofs are almost exclusively used in the more affluent parts of town – they’re simply pricey. The average tile roof can easily exceed 3 to 4 times the price of more affordable alternatives like, say, asphalt shingles. This is usually the concern of homeowners on a budget.
Clay tile roofs are perhaps the most luxurious type of tile roofing while concrete tiles are relatively more reasonably priced. The costs, however, are easily offset by the durability, longevity and overall beauty of the product. As a matter of fact, it’s common to find your home value going up simply because it has a tile roof.
Tile Roofs Are Heavy But Brittle
It’s easy to see why many people believe tile roofs can easily crack; they’re made of clay or cement. But modern tile lines are actually manufactured to resist all the common impact forces a normal roof is expected to encounter, and, according to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), tile roofing rates higher in impact resistance than most other roof types.
Their weight can also be a point of contention and may even be a reason for a lot of homes not to have tile roofs. The load-bearing walls and support structures should be able to carry the weight of this particular type of roof. It’s best to consult professional roofing repair contractors first before deciding to get tiles. They can determine if it is possible for your home to have tile roofing.
Tile Roofs Are Not Energy-Efficient
Tiles are laid out individually. Shingles, shakes and other types of roofing are either placed in sheets or in overlaps. Because of this, the natural spacing between individual tiles creates an “Above Sheathing Ventilation” effect, providing natural ventilation in the ceiling or attic space directly beneath it.
Get Professionally Installed Tile Roofing Today
Call Krech Exteriors, and ask us how tile roofs can benefit your home today. Reach out to us at (651) 968-8888 or through our online contact form to schedule an in-home consultation for free. Our services are available in St. Paul, Minneapolis and nearby areas.