Every now and then, we encounter clients who ask us to repair their siding. We arrive on the jobsite with repair tools, only to find out that the siding has been damaged beyond repair. Usually, the siding gets to that state without homeowners noticing because they don’t really know for what to look out. This is why we’ve put together a list that can help you identify the common signs that indicate the material might need repair.
1. Faded Color or Cracked Paint
If the color of your siding seems to be fading away or if you start seeing chips and breaks in the paint, then your siding should be inspected by a professional contractor. Older siding will naturally start losing its color due to age, but newer siding with cracked paint could be suffering from an issue that isn’t immediately visible.
2. Bubbling
Bubbles throughout the surface of your siding can be spotted by pressing on sections of your siding that might look like they’re slightly elevated. These pockets of elevated siding are mostly due to rotting siding, mold growth or even water damage. If you spot any bubbling, then it’s time to call in your contractor to inspect your siding.
3. Dry Rot
Siding, wood siding especially, can be susceptible to fungal wood decay called dry rot. This type of decay eats up part of the siding material, mostly the internal portion, leaving the surface intact. This makes it very difficult to identify this kind of issue without physically testing the siding, but regular inspection can help you keep an eye out for any dry rot-related issues.
4. Higher Energy Bills
One of the benefits of getting siding installed is its insulating properties. Good siding can improve the energy efficiency of your home by reducing the need to rely on the HVAC system for cooling or warmth. If you notice that your utility bills are slowly getting higher for no apparent reason, you might be spending more to regulate your home’s indoor temperature. Faulty siding could be one of the reasons behind this.
If you find any potential issues with your siding, then contact us. Krech Exteriors is ready to serve our clients in Minneapolis. Find out more about our siding inspection and repair service by giving us a call at (651) 688-6368 or by filling out our online form.