During the warmer or severe weather seasons, roofers will come out of the woodworks trying to vie for your business. Not all of these contractors are worth considering, however. Some contractors are just out to make a quick buck. Aside from costing you thousands of dollars in upfront payments, they also tend to make faulty home improvements that cause more problems that need more money to fix.
Knowing the common roofing scams is a homeowner’s weapon in weeding out the good contractors from the bad.
Storm Chasers
After a big storm, homeowners become great targets for opportunistic contractors. These people are always on the lookout for inclement weather because it means they can leverage their services against the immediate needs of vulnerable homeowners. They will make it look like homeowners get huge discounts with their offer to repair their roofs – but the fact is, the roof probably doesn’t need repair in the first place. But they won’t tell you that.
The best way to avoid this roofing scam is to stay calm and take time in assessing the damage done to your property. Storm chasers conveniently show up when they are needed the most, but don’t be tempted. Ask for references, and do a background check on these contractors before you consider hiring them.
Mystery Damage
In connection to the previous scam, contractors show up after a huge storm to point out unseen damages on your roof. They even extend their kindness and offer to take a closer look just to come back down and announce that there is huge damage even if there is none or it does not warrant a full roof replacement.
Homeowners need to check the damage themselves before getting an expert’s opinion. Roofers offering a legitimate service do not advise a full roof replacement right away. In fact, such measures are only advisable if the damage really is severe. But legitimate roofers will give you proof of this beforehand.
Low Bidders
Some contractors offer their services at a low price…in the beginning. This makes homeowners agree to their service. But eventually, the price starts to go up. Bigger issues keep on popping up after one problem is fixed in order to maximize what homeowners will pay.
Research is the key. Check the prices of different contractors before choosing yours. Make sure that you also discuss everything with your roofing contractors to avoid possible issues that may arise.
Krech Exteriors is the leading roofing contractor in Minneapolis. Work with us, and we’ll make sure you get the best service without having to worry about any of the red flags discussed in this article. Call us at (651) 968-8888, or contact us by filling out our online form.