Many homeowners don’t consider replacing their siding unless the damage is fairly obvious. But there are other signs that indicate that you should update your siding, including the following:
Dry Rot
Dry rot is caused by a type of fungus that consumes wood cells. As it grows, it spreads microscopic root-like strands into the wood fibers, resulting in cracking, splitting and crumbling wood. Exterior parts of the house made of wood, like siding and decking, are vulnerable to dry rot. This is why wood siding has higher maintenance requirements compared to other options like vinyl. To check for dry rot, tap parts of the siding with a large screwdriver or similar tool. If pieces fall out, dry rot has already begun. Low-maintenance options like vinyl and fiber cement are good alternatives to wood if dry rot is a persistent problem.
Constant Repainting
Traditional wood siding requires a fresh coat of paint every few years. If the paint starts forming blisters too soon, then the wood has been scraped, sanded and repainted so often that the primer doesn’t adhere to it anymore. A good siding contractor will recommend replacing it with low-maintenance siding because keeping old wood siding wouldn’t be practical. Low-maintenance siding is also easy to clean and is less likely to fade, crack or blister.
Warping happens to vinyl siding when it’s exposed to extreme heat. South-facing walls are usually the most vulnerable as they receive direct sunlight for the longest time in a day. Warping is easily noticeable on clapboard, Dutch lap and similar siding styles. It’s not reversible, and keeping it on the house can expose the exterior walls to moisture and insect infiltration. Shade from trees, patio covers or a pergola can help reduce warping. If you are replacing your siding, choose an option that is rated for higher heat resistance.
Krech Exteriors is the leading roofer serving customers in Minneapolis and the surrounding communities. Give us a call at (651) 349-4514, or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.