Shingle recycling is more than just a marketing ploy contractors do to make themselves look better to the public. It’s a crusade to minimize roofing’s negative impact on Mother Nature and a waste management approach that’s advantageous to everyone.
As one of the region’s roofing contractors that takes shingle recycling seriously, Krech Exteriors sheds further light on its practical benefits:
Creates a Positive Domino Effect
Giving old, worn-out shingles a new lease on life helps roofers, paving and dumpster companies, and taxpayers reap economic gains. Shingle recycling allows roofing contractors reduce at least 10% on disposal costs, while the construction of pavement made from repurposed materials saves manufacturers money. Local governments are then able to mitigate tax spending for paving because of reclaimed asphalt, letting them allocate funds to other priorities.
Furthermore, turning old roofs into new roads lessens the need for foreign oil. Plus, the diminishing the demand for new minerals helps conserve precious, natural resources.
Shapes to Make Bigger Difference in the Future
GAF, the country’s champion of roofing shingle recycling, has boosted its recycling contributions, especially in the last few years. From 2010 to 2015, their estimated rate of recycling for shingles jumped from 10% to 28%. By comparison, the total rate of recycling for cans and bottles was only about 20%.
The premier roofing manufacturer knows there’s still a long way to go, but the future looks bright. Its growing network of Certified Contractor Programs, which Krech Exteriors is a part of, is key to spread the awareness to make further headways down the road.
Earns You LEED® Points
As a homeowner, choosing a roofer that recycles old shingles could help you get your home LEED-certified. If you get a recycling rate of more than 50%, your re-roofing project could earn you one point, moving you closer to sustainable living.
Be part of the revolution and embrace shingle recycling to tackle your roof replacement project in an environmentally responsible way. To schedule your FREE, in-home consultation in Minneapolis, call Krech Exteriors today at (651) 968-8888.